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Polls won’t call a Trump win, but markets are
Traders and punters are putting their money behind a second Trump mandate. Here are five charts tracking their positioning in recent weeks.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalSuper funds fork out $423m in marketing blitz
Superannuation funds spent millions of members’ retirement savings on marketing, including sponsorships of AFL and NRL clubs.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente original$4b later: the MinRes board’s big mistake
The board of Mineral Resources knew about Chris Ellison’s tax scheme in June 2022. But despite launching an investigation, it told shareholders nothing.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente original$A will ‘struggle to punch higher’ as US election weighs on sentiment
The local currency has declined for four consecutive weeks as nervous investors pile into the greenback one week out from the US election that one national poll has Donald Trump ahead.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalInside the portfolios of the nation’s 690,000 rich investors
An extra 55,000 people joined the ranks of the high net worth investors this year, bringing the total number of rich Australians to 690,000. This is what their portfolios look like.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalCurtailing capital gains tax discount could raise $5b
While economists are mixed on negative gearing, almost all agree there is a strong case to review and scale back the 50 per cent CGT markdown.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalNo rate cuts this year after blow-out jobs report
Stocks fell, while the Australian dollar and bond yields rose after employment data stoked speculation the Reserve Bank won’t be able to cut rates until at least April.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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