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G7 leaders will call for fresh WHO inquiry into Covid origins, leaked communique suggests
Statement indicates leaders will also commit to delivering 1bn vaccine doses and plans to tackle forced labour
The Guardian | | Fuente originalUK pushes for City of London to be exempt from G7 tax plan
Chancellor seeks carve-out for financial services in ‘historic’ global corporation tax agreement
The Guardian | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson to lift Covid-19 limit on weddings
Boris Johnson will lift the 30-person limit on weddings even if the easing of other lockdown restrictions is delayed beyond June 21, The Times has been told.The prime minister, who married Carrie
The Times | | Fuente originalG7 summit 2021: Joe Biden accuses Boris Johnson of ‘inflaming’ Irish tensions
President Biden ordered US officials to issue Boris Johnson with an extraordinary diplomatic rebuke for imperilling the Northern Ireland peace process over Brexit, The Times can reveal.Yael Lempert
The Times | | Fuente originalGlobal initiative unveils multibillion-dollar plan to end poliovirus by 2026
The new strategy includes policies intended to increase political commitment to the initiative.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalBiden warns Russia it faces 'robust' response for harmful actions as he begins European visit
Biden was speaking to about 1,000 US troops and their families at a British air base ahead of his G-7, Nato and Putin summits.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalBanks to Companies: No More Deposits, Please
Awash in deposits over the course of the pandemic, some banks are now encouraging their corporate clients to spend the cash on their businesses or move it elsewhere.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
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- Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
- 8-M: todos contra todos
- La negativa de Madrid a cerrar bloquea el plan de Sanidad y las autonomías para evitar un nuevo repunte en Semana Santa
- El Gobierno retrasa la aprobación de las ayudas a pymes hasta el viernes
- "Están desapareciendo millones de trabajos y los hombres sufrirán más que las mujeres"
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- El Gobierno ampliará hasta el 31 de diciembre la moratoria para evitar que las empresas presenten concurso
- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
- He pagado de más a Hacienda, ¿cómo consigo que me lo devuelva?
- Calviño quiere que la mayoría de los 11.000 millones sean ayudas directas