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Matan a Abel Murrieta, candidato a la alcaldía de Cajeme por Movimiento Ciudadano

El aspirante se encontraba realizando actividades proselitistas, entregando volantes y pegando calcomanías en los vehículos, cuando fue baleado; era parte de la defensa de la familia LeBarón

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Mirada de la Editora. Israel y Palestina, ¿una nueva guerra?

Guadalupe Galván, editora de la sección Mundo de El Gran Diario de México, explica las razones del conflicto entre Israelíes y palestinos Mirada de la Editora. Israel y Palestina, ¿una nueva guerra?

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Work begins boring first HS2 tunnel under Chiltern Hills

Machine drills initial few metres on rail link that will connect London and Birmingham

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

‘A great day’: Biden hails relaxed CDC guidance for fully vaccinated Americans

Rochelle Walensky announces relaxation of guidelines: ‘We have longed for this moment … [to] get back some sense of normalcy’

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Tougher laws to make fake news a crime

Spreading fake news on behalf of a hostile state like Russia or China could become a crime under government plans to overhaul the Official Secrets Act.Priti Patel, the home secretary, has published

The Times |  | Fuente original

Millions face early second vaccine to slow Indian coronavirus strain

Ten million people could have their second doses of coronavirus vaccines brought forward as the government attempts to stop a faster spreading Indian variant from delaying the end of restrictions.

The Times |  | Fuente original

More ultra-rich individuals interested in setting up family offices in Singapore

Experts point to Singapore's regulatory environment and geography as key factors in its attraction.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original