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Cuál es la mejor universidad para estudiar administración en México, consulta nuestro ranking

Presentamos la clasificación de las carreras impartidas en las instituciones de educación superior en nuestro país; es turno de la carrera de Administración

El Universal |  | Fuente original

New York investigation into Trump Organization now criminal, says attorney general

State joins Manhattan attorney general in launching ‘active’ probe into allegations the former president falsified property values to boost income

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Chips with everything: how one Taiwanese company drives the world economy

A Covid-driven global shortage of microchips has put manufacturer TSMC at the heart of the world’s recovery, as well as US-China tensions

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Big events without masks are no riskier than shopping, Covid trials show

Holding mass events without masks and social distancing can be as safe as going to a restaurant or shopping centre, government trials suggest.Preliminary data from the events research programme is

The Times |  | Fuente original

Boris Johnson backs tariff-free trade with Australia

Boris Johnson is prepared to offer Australia tariff-free access to British food markets despite warnings that it could put farmers out of business.The prime minister is backing a plan to give

The Times |  | Fuente original

Indonesian tycoon Kris Wiluan pleads guilty to 3 charges of market rigging in S'pore court

The prosecution is seeking a fine of $600,000 for the three charges, potentially the highest sought for market rigging offences to date.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

India reports record 4,529 daily Covid-19 deaths

This comes even as the number of new cases in its devastating new wave fell.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original