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Power play in Kazakhstan

Domestic political rivalry and regional contests for influence are part of the interplay of factors determining the country’s future.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Russian software firm's shares sink after press release gaffe

London-listed Softline suffers after mistakenly revealing deal early

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

New mortgage deals cost hundreds of pounds more just weeks after rate rise

Borrowers remortgaging via fixed-rate deals beginning to feel the squeeze

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

UK retailers warn sales at risk from soaring cost of living in 2022

Industry says consumer spending is likely to be held back after strong full-year figures for retail in 2021

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Chinese developer Shimao plans fire sale after downgrade and missed payment

Fears over contagion mount as a company once considered financially sound is running out of cash to pay its debts

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

México llama a investigar misil lanzado por Corea del Norte; "es una afrenta a la comunidad internacional"

El embajador Juan Ramón de la Fuente llamó a cesar hostilidades y procurar una desnuclearización completa y verificable de la península de Corea

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Automotrices chinas ganan participación; alcanzan 4% del mercado mexicano

Las armadoras de ese país cuentan con inventario pues no sufren desabasto de semiconductores, opinan analistas

El Universal |  | Fuente original