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Pares Units creu que la majoria de les famílies no vol vacunar els fills

La plataforma Pares Units estima que bona part dels progenitors del Principat són poc partidaris de vacunar els seus fills d’entre cinc i 11 anys. Així ho va posar de manifest a EL PERIÒDIC un dels portaveus del grup, Marcel Albós, que va assegurar que «hi ha molts pares que estan d’acord a vacunar als seus fills si són més grans, però en la franja de cinc a 11 anys, jo crec que la majoria de les opinions és que no volen».

El Periòdic d'Andorra |  | Fuente original

Amazon Profit Shows Resilience Even as Labor, Supply Crunch Weigh on Results

The company's profit nearly doubled as it controlled labor and supply costs better than expected and saw gains in its cloud-computing and advertising businesses.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Oil Frackers Brace for End of the U.S. Shale Boom

Companies have tapped many of their best wells. The limited inventory leaves the industry with little choice but to hold back growth, even amid the highest oil prices in years.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Covid News: Austria’s Vaccine Mandate Is Becoming Law

Medicare will provide free at-home virus tests for pickup, the Biden administration says. The U.S. surgeon general also reassured parents anxious about Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine for those under 5.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

A Change by Apple Is Tormenting Internet Companies, Especially Meta

Meta’s stock prices plunged after the company reported that Apple’s privacy features would cost it billions this year. It’s not the only tech giant to take a hit.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Global food prices hit 2-decade high, threatening world's poorest

Global index by a UN agency shows food prices in January climbed to their highest level since 2011.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Facebook owner Meta erases $338 billion in value, biggest wipe-out in history

The Facebook owner plunged 26% on Thursday on the back of woeful earnings results.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original