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Missiles pound Ukraine's capital as Russian troops advance

Air raid sirens wailed over Kyiv amid reports a Russian plane was shot down and crashed into a building  

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Energy bills set to hit £3,000 as gas prices soar

Investec predicts price cap will rise even higher when it is recalculated next winter, forcing some consumers to 'eat or heat'

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

How Russia has triggered the return of existential dread

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has sparked a fear not felt since the Cold War. How do we put it in context for our children?

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Ukraine crisis: commodities prices surge as stock markets slump

Russian invasion of Ukraine fuels near-40% rise in gas price and oil to $105 per barrel as European stock markets tumble

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will change the face of Europe for ever | Timothy Garton Ash

It will take years for the consequences of 24 February to be played out, but there is still much the west can do to help Ukrainians, says the Guardian columnist Timothy Garton Ash

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Invasión de Rusia a Ucrania dispara precios del maíz y el trigo; México es cliente de ambos países

A México esto le afecta porque en 2021 importó 32 mil toneladas de trigo e Rusia y 192 mil de Ucrania, importó un millón de toneladas de fertilizantes de empresas rusas

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Agradece embajada de Ucrania condena de México a invasión rusa; "es esencial llamar a las cosas por su nombre", dice

Momentos antes, el canciller Marcelo Ebrard informó que el gobierno de México condena enérgicamente la invasión rusa en Ucrania, por lo que hizo un llamado al cese de fuerzas armadas

El Universal |  | Fuente original