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Ricardo Ramos, gerente general de SQM, tras reunión con Corfo: 'Esperamos lograr un acuerdo que sea bueno para el país'

El ejecutivo de la minera dijo que tomarán contacto con Codelco “en el momento oportuno” para iniciar las negociaciones en torno a la participación estatal en el salar de Atacama. Corfo prevé que negociaciones partan en mayo.

Pulso |  | Fuente original

Estudio determina que carbono almacenado en la Patagonia chilena es superior al de la Amazonía

Estudio determina que carbono almacenado en la Patagonia chilena es superior al de la Amazonía

El Mostrador |  | Fuente original

Migrantes irregulares indocumentados: una solución administrativa urgente y necesaria

Migrantes irregulares indocumentados: una solución administrativa urgente y necesaria

El Mostrador |  | Fuente original

Don Lemon Is Out at CNN

The anchor said his agent told him he was out of a job with the cable network after a 17-year run. “I am stunned,” he said.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

First Republic Lost $100 Billion in Deposits in Banking Panic

The bank said it would cut head count by as much as 25% and slash executive pay as it restructures its balance sheet.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

For Many Young Voters, Biden’s Support of Drilling in Alaska Casts Pall

Despite his aggressive moves to try to slash greenhouse gas emissions, President Biden has angered young climate voters upset by a drilling project in Alaska.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

What Tucker Carlson’s Dismissal From Fox News Means for the Network

The host’s abrupt dismissal upends Fox News’s prime-time lineup — and the carefully honed impression that the ratings star was all but untouchable.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original