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India Is Passing China in Population. Can Its Economy Ever Do the Same?
India has a young, vast work force that is expanding as China’s ages and shrinks. But the country’s immense size also lays bare its enormous challenges.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalFox Will Pay $787.5 Million to Settle Dominion Defamation Suit
The settlement with Dominion Voting Systems was the latest extraordinary twist in a case that exposed the inner workings of the most powerful voice in conservative news.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalWith ‘Zero Covid’ Behind It, China’s Economy Starts to Recover
The economy grew 4.5 percent in the first three months of the year, a sizable pickup from the end of 2022, when the relaxation of pandemic prevention measures led to a wave of illness.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalAs Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings
The White House and federal agencies were repeatedly alerted to signs of children at risk. The warnings were ignored or missed.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalSudan Fighting Escalates Amid Fears of Civil War
The civilian death toll is climbing and concern over a broader conflict is growing as rival generals vie for control of Africa’s third-largest country.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalGoogle Devising Radical Search Changes to Beat Back AI Rivals
The tech giant is sprinting to protect its core business with a flurry of projects, including updates to its search engine and plans for an all-new one.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalAppeals Court Says Abortion Pill Can Remain Available but Imposes Temporary Restrictions
The justices are poised to consider whether the most common method of ending pregnancies can be sharply curtailed in states where abortion remains legal.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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