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Generative AI Has an Intellectual Property Problem

Generative AI, which uses data lakes and question snippets to recover patterns and relationships, is becoming more prevalent in creative industries. However, the legal implications of using generative AI are still unclear, particularly in relation to copyright infringement, ownership of AI-generated works, and unlicensed content in training data. Courts are currently trying to establish how intellectual property laws should be applied to generative AI, and several cases have already been filed. To protect themselves from these risks, companies that use generative AI need to ensure that they are in compliance with the law and take steps to mitigate potential risks, such as ensuring they use training data free from unlicensed content and developing ways to show provenance of generated content.

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Research: How People Feel About Paying for Social Media

Social media services such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have implemented pay-for-subscription services (Twitter Blue, Snapchat Plus, and Meta’s bundled Facebook and Instagram Blue Badges). The buzz from users, long inundated with a large number of advertisements but now also facing subscription fees, is passionate and increasing. We asked a nationwide sample of 1,056 users for their opinions of these subscriptions (with a sampling margin of error of less than 3 percent). We analyzed 1) what users expect, 2) the quality of features, 3) prices given the quality, 4) ideal social media services, and 5) how likely the users are to subscribe.

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El modelo Wikipedia, su aplicación y el dilema del prisionero

Mi columna en Invertia de esta semana se titula «Las redes sociales y el dilema del prisionero» (pdf), y especula con la posibilidad de que algunas herramientas de uso ya profundamente aceptado en la sociedad, como las redes sociales, pudieran seguir el exitoso modelo de Wikipedia y convertirse en servicios sin ánimo de lucro gestionados en código abierto, con total transparencia, sin ningún tipo de publicidad y, simplemente, tratando de responder adecuadamente a las necesidades de sus usuarios. Que el modelo de publicidad en internet está agotado es más que evidente. Desde sus primeras implementaciones en internet, que simplemente

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How I Brought Concept Search to the Legal eDiscovery Field

A new and different approach to data

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Ejército Mexicano. ¿Cuánto ganan los militares en México y qué prestaciones reciben en 2023?

Los militares mexicanos tienen diversas prestaciones en SEDENA, entre las cuales se pueden destacar aguinaldo, vacaciones, préstamos

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Tus pensamientos pronto dejarán de ser privados para la tecnología: esta profesora cree que es hora de hablar en serio de neuroderechos

La profesora Nita Farahany cree que las intrusiones en la mente por la tecnología están tan cerca que es necesaria protección legislativa sobre el pensamiento.

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The Development Of Legal Tech Startups And Their Impact On Traditional Law Firms - Law Technology Today

How Innovative Software Solutions Are Transforming The Way We Practice Law.

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