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Empresarios advierten de quiebra de miles de Pymes tras aumento del 15% al salario mínimo

La Coparmex aseguró que el incremento es irracional y provocará el cierre de 700 mil empresas; mientras que el CCE advirtió que se hará inviable la sobrevivencia de pymes

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Conasami aprueba incremento de 15% al salario mínimo; subirá a 141.7 pesos

Pese a la crisis económica y el voto en contra de los empresarios, la Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos avaló el incremento que está por arriba de la inflación

El Universal |  | Fuente original

UK firms struggling to import as end of Brexit transition period looms

IHS Market/Cips survey reveals stockpiling, shipping delays and congestion at UK ports

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Female leaders make a real difference. Covid has proved it | Jane Dudman

It may be no coincidence that countries with women at the helm have had fewer infections and deaths, says public leadership editor Jane Dudman

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Deal or no deal, how will Brexit affect Britain’s security?

While senior police officers publicly express confidence that they will work with the tools they are given and find solutions to the post-Brexit landscape, some are privately glum about the

The Times |  | Fuente original

Elderly told to avoid family at Christmas

Boris Johnson has encouraged the over-70s not to spend Christmas with relatives and urged people to refrain from staying away from home overnight unless “absolutely unavoidable”.In tough new

The Times |  | Fuente original

Job vacancies in Singapore rose for first time this year in September

There were 49,600 job vacancies in September, a huge improvement from the decade-low of 42,400 job vacancies in June.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original