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México hará vigilancia puntual de nueva cepa "inglesa" de Covid: SSa
Hay más de 100 mutaciones del Covid registradas en todo el mundo, dice el Doctor José Luis Alomía; afirma que la OMS ha pedido una vigilancia sobre la nueva cepa, que presumiblemente es mucho más contagiosa que la regular
El Universal | | Fuente originalAlibaba offered clients facial recognition to identify Uighur people, report reveals
Software could be used to identify videos filmed and uploaded by Uighur person, says IPVM
The Guardian | | Fuente originalUS Congress passes $900bn Covid-19 aid bill after months of gridlock
Democrats say ‘last-minute’ package, approved by Senate shortly before midnight, falls short of US needs
The Guardian | | Fuente originalDeal or no-deal: farmers may be left ploughing lonely furrow after Brexit
DEALSheep farmers will have most reason to celebrate a deal being struck because without one many face ruin.The UK exports about 30 per cent of its lamb, and 95 per cent of that goes to the European
The Times | | Fuente originalBrexit: UK offers cash-for-quotas fishing deal to tempt Europe
Britain has tabled a compromise on fishing that could break a deadlock over compensation if quotas for Europe’s fleet are severely cut in future.The proposals are thought to offer more protection for
The Times | | Fuente originalFewer mergers and acquisition deals in Singapore as Covid-19 disrupts investment activity
A total of 640 transactions were recorded from December 2019 to November 2020. That compares to 809 transactions in the earlier 12-month period.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalWHO says no need for major alarm over new coronavirus strain
New tools to track the virus were working, even as countries imposed travel restrictions on Britain, South Africa.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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