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L’inflation renforce l’inégalité face aux vacances

Grâce à leur clientèle privilégiée et à « l’épargne Covid-19 », les acteurs du tourisme entrevoient des chiffres supérieurs à ceux d’avant la crise. Les foyers qui partent peu ou pas devront adapter leurs vacances aux contraintes économiques.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

Door hogere rente komt indexatie pensioenen dichterbij

Door hogere rente komt indexatie pensioenen dichterbij

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

U.S. Home Prices Hit a Record of $375,300 in March

U.S. home prices reached a record $375,300 in March while mortgage rates continued to rise rapidly. Sales of previously owned homes declined.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Netflix Stock Price Drops 35%, Posting Biggest Fall Since 2004

Shares turned in their biggest fall since 2004 after the streaming giant reported that it lost subscribers in the first quarter.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Bank of England seeks to unlock cheaper mortgages with post-Brexit rule change

Plans of 'British style rulemaking' hopes to give the City more freedoms

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Netflix shares fall more than 35% after streamer loses over 200,000 subscribers

Company expects to lose 2 million more over the next quarter as subscribers rethink commitment to streaming services

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Drama en Tokio; el yen rompe su suelo de 20 años con el dólar

Hay que remontarse a 1992, con Barcelona celebrando sus Olimpiadas, para encontrar el yen en un nivel tan débil como el actual. En mes y medio, la moneda japonesa ha perdido más d

Expansión |  | Fuente original