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L’Oms: «Omicron contagerà il 50% degli europei entro 2 mesi»

Oltre 200 mila i positivi in 24 ore: mai così tanti da inizio pandemia. Raggiunto anche il record di vittime della quarta ondata. Ricoveri in crescita, anche per i bambini. Cinque regioni a rischio arancione

Corriere della Sera |  | Fuente original

Passe vaccinal : les sénateurs suppriment la vérification d’identité par les restaurateurs et les cafetiers

La chambre haute se prépare à voter en première lecture le projet de loi instaurant un passe vaccinal, mais au prix de modifications significatives.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

Éducation : 75% de grévistes et la moitié des écoles fermées jeudi, prévoit le 1er syndicat

Une forte mobilisation nationale contre le protocole Covid-19 mis en place dans les établissements scolaires est prévue ce jeudi.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

Why the Catholic Church Is Losing Latin America

Conservative Pentecostals make huge inroads in Latin America during the reign of the region’s first pope. The religion is projected to become a minority in Brazil, which has more Catholics than any other country, as soon as this year.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Biden Endorses Filibuster Rule Changes if Necessary to Pass Voting Legislation

The president threw his weight behind Democrats’ push to pass elections bills—even if it requires changing Senate rules—in a speech designed to build support for the imperiled legislation.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Medicare Proposes to Sharply Limit Coverage of the Alzheimer’s Drug Aduhelm

If the preliminary decision is finalized this spring, it would restrict coverage to patients in randomized clinical trials.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

‘We have no option’: Biden calls for changing Senate rules to pass voting rights laws.

In Georgia, President Biden, who had long been leery of whittling away at the filibuster, said such Senate traditions had been abused by Republicans.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original