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Hollywood Actors Join Writers on Strike, Bringing Industry to a Standstill
The dual walkouts pit more than 170,000 workers against old-line studios like Disney and Sony, as well as tech juggernauts like Netflix and Amazon.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalYield Curve Is Flashing a Recession Warning. Some Wonder if It’s Wrong.
The yield curve has been suggesting since last year that the economy was headed for a slump.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalLooming U.S. Investment Restrictions on China Threaten Diplomatic Outreach
Any such restrictions are expected to anger Beijing and will be the first test of the new channels of communication that the world’s two largest economies are trying to restore.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalBank of America Fined $150 Million Over ‘Junk Fees’
The bank double-charged overdraft fees, withheld card perks and opened unauthorized accounts, regulators said. It will repay customers more than $80 million.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalFTC Court Ruling Clears Path for Microsoft to Buy Activision
Microsoft also said it was negotiating changes to the deal to satisfy objections made by a British regulator, which could allow it to complete its purchase of the video game giant as soon as this month.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalThe Case That Could Be Fox’s Next Dominion
Tucker Carlson, before he was sidelined by Fox, repeatedly endorsed a conspiracy theory about an Arizona man, who may sue for defamation. Legal experts say it would be a viable case.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalTurkey Clears the Way for Sweden’s Entry to NATO on the Eve of Summit
The announcement allows the military alliance to project unity, which is getting harder to sustain as the war in Ukraine goes on.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
- El reconocimiento facial chino llega a las puertas de la Unión Europea
- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
- Cuánto pagarán los madrileños de IRPF y cuánto pagan el resto de los españoles
- Gobierno y agentes sociales firmarán la próxima semana la reforma que alargará la edad de jubilación
- Sánchez anuncia que mañana aprobará los indultos
- Los halcones enseñan las garras
- Industria busca asesores para justificar ante la UE las ayudas al Perte del vehículo eléctrico
- ‘Cancelled’ artist De Wahls could sue unless Royal Academy apologises
- 150.000 personas cobrarán tarde el paro y las prestaciones tras el ciberataque al SEPE
- España retrocede dos puestos en el ranking de innovación de la UE
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- El Gobierno blinda la argumentación de los indultos para evitar que un recurso los tumbe
- Los indultos desatan un estallido empresarial en contra que desborda a Garamendi: "Es una cuestión de dignidad"
- Hacienda presiona a las CCAA para cercar a Madrid y obligarla a subir el Impuesto sobre el Patrimonio
- El precio del alquiler ya está cayendo en las seis regiones tensionadas
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis