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Republicans Win Control of House, Cementing a G.O.P. Trifecta Under Trump
The party protected vulnerable incumbents and picked off Democrats in competitive districts, handing the president-elect a unified Congress to enact his agenda.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalWhat Is ‘Skiplagging?’ Meet the Man Unearthing Cheap Travel Hacks.
Aktarer Zaman is the founder of a controversial website that unearths airfare hacks, most notably skipping the last leg of a flight for a cheaper price.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalTrump Allies Push Him to Block Thune From Becoming Senate G.O.P. Leader
Advisers to the president-elect, who already has a strong hold on congressional Republicans, want him to tighten his grip by torpedoing the bid of the establishment front-runner for the post.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalWill Trump Prosecute His Foes? Allies and Adversaries Expect a Wave of Revenge.
President-elect Donald J. Trump’s momentary talk of unity on election night may underestimate the depth of his resentment after multiple impeachments, investigations, indictments and lawsuits.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalTrump’s Tax Proposals Face a Fiscal Reckoning
Advisers to President-elect Donald J. Trump and Republicans on Capitol Hill are already looking at ways to scale back some of his more expensive ideas.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalTrump’s Support From Black and Latino Voters Gives Republicans New Hope
Donald J. Trump picked up support among Latino and Black working-class voters, giving the party hope for a new way to win in a diversifying nation.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalRepublicans Clinch Control of the Senate
After picking up seats in West Virginia and Ohio and winning an unexpectedly close race in Nebraska, the G.O.P. had enough for a majority. Tight races in swing states will determine their margin.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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