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Pfizer’s Covid Pill Works Well, Company Confirms in Final Analysis
The treatment, called Paxlovid, is likely to work against Omicron and could be available in the United States before the end of the year.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalHouse Seeks Contempt Charge Against Meadows in Jan. 6 Inquiry
The former White House chief of staff previously provided the committee with thousands of pages of documents, including text messages he received on Jan. 6.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalJan. 6 Committee Recommends Contempt Charge for Meadows
The panel sent a criminal contempt of Congress referral to the full House, as the extent of Mark Meadows’s role in President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to overturn the election became clearer.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalWorkers in Europe Are Demanding Higher Pay as Inflation Soars
Prices are rising at the fastest rate on record, and unions want to keep up. Policymakers worry that might make inflation worse.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalDemocrats Are Solidly Behind Biden. There’s No Consensus About a Plan B.
Leaders with White House aspirations all say they’ll support the president for another term. But there is no shortage of chatter about the options if he continues to falter.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalIn Kentucky, Tallying the Grim Scale of Destruction
“I don’t think we’ll have seen damage at this scale, ever,” said Gov. Andy Beshear of Kentucky in the wake of the devastating tornadoes on Friday.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalNew York City Gives 800,000 Noncitizens Right to Vote in Local Elections
The legislation approved by the City Council will set up a system for legal residents to vote in municipal elections.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- El Gobierno ampliará hasta el 31 de diciembre la moratoria para evitar que las empresas presenten concurso
- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
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