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Modi Relents to Protests as India Moves to Repeal Farm Laws

Measures meant to overhaul the country’s troubled agricultural sector prompted nearly a year of sustained demonstrations.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Social Policy Bill Will Add to Deficit, C.B.O. Says; Democrats Delay Vote

The White House and the Congressional Budget Office are at odds over how much revenue the Internal Revenue Service could recoup from tax cheats.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

As G.O.P. Fights Mask and Vaccine Mandates, Florida Takes the Lead

Florida lawmakers, at the request of Gov. Ron DeSantis, passed new laws sharply curtailing mask and vaccine mandates. Fringe anti-vaccination views met with little pushback.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

The Supply-Chain Crisis Is a Labor Crisis

Governments around the world have failed transport workers. But it’s not too late to help them.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Tracing Mexico’s Complicated Relationship With Rice

Having arrived in the country via the Spanish Conquest, the grain’s presence poses the question: What’s native, and what isn’t, when it comes to a nation’s culinary history?

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Biden Sells Infrastructure Improvements as a Way to Counter China

Spending on roads, broadband internet and more will help revitalize U.S. competitiveness against its top economic adversary, the president says.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Biden’s reliance on I.R.S. enforcement to pay for $1.85 trillion bill hits a snag.

The head of the Congressional Budget Office said on Monday that beefed-up tax enforcement would raise far less money than the White House projected.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

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