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Pence and Jan. 6 Committee Engage in High-Stakes Dance Over Testimony
Getting the former vice president to answer questions under oath could be crucial as the House panel focuses on Donald Trump’s responsibility for the Capitol riot.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalAs More Teachers’ Unions Push for Remote Schooling, Parents Worry. So Do Democrats.
Chicago teachers have voted to go remote. Other unions are agitating for change. For Democrats, who promised to keep schools open, the tensions are a distinctly unwelcome development.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalIn Ukraine Conflict, Putin Relies on a Promise That Ultimately Wasn’t
The current confrontation turns partly on what, if any, commitments Secretary of State James A. Baker III made about NATO’s expansion in the waning days of the Cold War.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalIn Kazakhstan, Putin Again Seizes on Unrest to Try to Expand Influence
But a series of revolts against a pro-Russian strongman could also plant the seeds of rebellion at home, analysts say.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalIgnoring Trump Didn’t Work. Biden Goes After ‘a Defeated Former President.’
In a speech marking the anniversary of the Capitol riot, the president confronted Trumpism, even as he refused to utter his predecessor’s name.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalBiden ‘Over-Promised and Under-Delivered’ on Climate. Now, Trouble Looms in 2022.
Mounting challenges will make the coming months critical for the president’s environmental agenda, analysts say.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalIn Omicron Hot Spots, Hospitals Fill Up, but I.C.U.s May Not
Covid hospitalizations are surging, but a smaller proportion of cases is severe compared with previous waves. With staff shortages, some hospitals are still in crisis.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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