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Over a Million Flee as Afghanistan’s Economy Collapses
Thousands of Afghans are trying to sneak into Iran and Pakistan each day, as incomes have dried up and life-threatening hunger has become widespread.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalIs Biden’s Strategy With Putin Working, or Goading Moscow to War?
The Biden administration’s goal is to cut the Russians off at each turn by exposing their plans. But Russian President Vladimir V. Putin says that approach could spark a conflict.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalAn Electrifying View of the Heart of the Milky Way
A new radio-wave image of the center of our galaxy reveals all the forms of frenzy that a hundred million or so stars can get up to.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalU.S. Has Far Higher Covid Death Rate Than Other Wealthy Countries
Despite having one of the world’s most powerful arsenals of vaccines, the United States has failed to inoculate as much of its population as other wealthy nations.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalAngry U.S.-Russia Exchange at U.N. Punctuates Deepening Ukraine Rift
With vitriolic accusations that echoed the Cold War era, the United States and Russia sparred in a bitter debate over the Ukraine crisis in a Security Council meeting watched by the world on Monday.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalTrump Had Role in Weighing Proposals to Seize Voting Machines
New accounts show that the former president was more directly involved than previously known in plans developed by outside advisers to use national security agencies to seek evidence of fraud.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalBook Ban Efforts Spread Across the U.S.
Challenges to books about sexual and racial identity are nothing new in American schools, but the tactics and politicization are.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- El Gobierno propone para autónomos 13 tramos de cotización al estilo IRPF
- La corrupción de las palabras
- El timo del cobre, señal del nuevo 'boom' de las materias primas
- Covid-19: Argimon, a favor de retrasar las segundas dosis para aumentar la "protección colectiva"
- Marruecos legaliza el cultivo de cannabis: así afectará a las mafias del hachís en España
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- Madrid y Catalunya: una pandemia, dos gestiones
- Así afecta el control de precios a la oferta de alquiler en Barcelona
- El Gobierno dará 7.000 millones en ayudas directas a empresas a través de las autonomías
- La política española estalla justo cuando tiene que solicitar y ejecutar los fondos europeos
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis