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Why We Can’t Quit the Guitar Solo
A guitar solo is not just a display of musical showmanship, technical mastery and bravado. At its best, it’s a moment of exquisite vulnerability.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalTwo More Republicans Back Jackson as Senate Moves Toward Confirmation
The support of Senators Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination was a counterpoint to the bitterly partisan confirmation process so far.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalRussia’s War Lacks a Battlefield Commander, U.S. Officials Say
Poor logistics and flagging morale have plagued a disjointed military campaign in Ukraine, according to American officials and independent analysts.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalCovid News: Senators Near Deal to Cut Stalled Aid Package to $10 Billion
Lawmakers said they were likely to cut $5 billion from the measure by dropping money for global vaccination efforts, but it was unclear it could draw enough support to become law. A Shanghai official acknowledges mistakes in the city’s outbreak response.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalJustice Dept. Widens Jan. 6 Inquiry to Range of Pro-Trump Figures
Federal prosecutors have been seeking documents and testimony about the fake electors scheme and the planning for the rally just before the storming of the Capitol.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalBiden Plan Would Release a Million Barrels of Oil a Day From Reserve
A release of up to 180 million barrels in all, over 180 days, is aimed at helping ease prices at the pump.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalF.D.A. Allows Second Coronavirus Boosters for Everyone 50 and Older
People in the age group can get the additional shot at least four months after their first booster. Those 12 and older with certain immune deficiencies are also eligible.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- La SEPI esgrime tres informes independientes para defender el rescate de Plus Ultra
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