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Brexiteers back deal as Boris Johnson hails ‘new chapter’ for Britain
Boris Johnson won hardline Brexiteer support for his trade deal last night and will present it to parliament today as heralding a new relationship of sovereign equals between Britain and the European
The Times | | Fuente originalMillions to face Tier 4 curbs amid surge in coronavirus cases
Millions more people will be placed under stay-at-home orders today after a record high of more than 53,000 Covid cases were confirmed yesterday.Boris Johnson approved the placing of further swathes
The Times | | Fuente originalFacebook goes on PR hiring spree as parliament debates tougher rules
Facebook has embarked on a hiring spree for lobbyists and PR experts in its London office as it gears up to face additional regulatory pressure.The company has advertised more than half a dozen policy
The Times | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson under pressure to delay school reopenings
Boris Johnson is facing increased pressure from cabinet ministers and scientific advisers over the reopening of schools as more than 40,000 coronavirus cases were recorded in a single day for the
The Times | | Fuente originalBrexit deal vote: Tory hardliners ask for more time to make sure of support
Conservative Brexiteers are preparing to back the EU trade deal on Wednesday as some MPs call for more time to scrutinise its contents in the new year.Members of the European Research Group (ERG) have
The Times | | Fuente originalHospital cases of Covid surge towards new high
Senior doctors have warned that the NHS is in danger of being overwhelmed with the number of coronavirus patients in hospital about to exceed the peak of the first wave.There were 21,683 patients with
The Times | | Fuente original£1bn a year laundered in cash transfers
Gangsters, drug dealers and sex traffickers are using money transfer businesses to launder at least £1 billion in cash every year, the National Crime Agency said after a Times investigation.
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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