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Oxford jab does reduce spread of coronavirus
The Oxford vaccine provides about 75 per cent protection against Covid and significantly reduces its spread after only one jab, suggests a new study that has raised hopes over the lifting of lockdown
The Times | | Fuente originalCambridge to withdraw places if oversubscribed
Cambridge University has introduced an “over-subscription” clause to its offers, allowing it to withdraw places if too many students meet its entrance criteria.The move to teacher assessment last
The Times | | Fuente originalPost-Brexit ban on British shellfish could be permanent, EU warns fishermen
British fishermen have been told that they face a permanent ban on selling oysters, mussels and scallops to the Continent because they no longer comply with European food safety rules.Since last month
The Times | | Fuente originalCovid vaccines may be sent abroad before full rollout in UK
Britain could start sending vaccine stockpiles to other countries before all adults have been offered a jab, it emerged yesterday.Matt Hancock, the health secretary, acknowledged yesterday that the
The Times | | Fuente originalCoronavirus: Flow of Pfizer-Biontech vaccine from EU now guaranteed, says minister
The flow of Pfizer-Biontech vaccines into Britain is “absolutely guaranteed”, according to a cabinet minister who also suggested that doses may be shared with other countries later on.Liz Truss, the
The Times | | Fuente originalTribunal system chaos: No experience necessary to be a judge in hearings free-for-all
Inexperienced judges who have never heard a case have been hired to clear an avalanche of employment claims from sacked and aggrieved workers.Trade union and town hall lawyers are among 59 new faces
The Times | | Fuente originalTax List 2021: women are happier to pay their dues
Nimesh Shah remembers the day when, as a young accountant, he went to a conference featuring a presentation from a tax-avoidance company. At the time there were dozens of strategies around — ones
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Se acelera la destrucción de empresas en lo que va de año
- El Gobierno propone para autónomos 13 tramos de cotización al estilo IRPF
- La corrupción de las palabras
- El timo del cobre, señal del nuevo 'boom' de las materias primas
- Covid-19: Argimon, a favor de retrasar las segundas dosis para aumentar la "protección colectiva"
- Marruecos legaliza el cultivo de cannabis: así afectará a las mafias del hachís en España
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- Madrid y Catalunya: una pandemia, dos gestiones
- Así afecta el control de precios a la oferta de alquiler en Barcelona
- El Gobierno dará 7.000 millones en ayudas directas a empresas a través de las autonomías
- La política española estalla justo cuando tiene que solicitar y ejecutar los fondos europeos
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis