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The Times Education Commission: Push to give children a better start
An education commission is being set up by The Times that could lead to radical change across schools and universities.It brings together experts including senior MPs, head teachers, academics
The Times | | Fuente originalBorder curbs demanded to stop Covid strains from France
South African and Brazilian variants of the coronavirus that are more resistant to vaccines now account for up to 40 per cent of all new cases in some regions in France, according to data presented to
The Times | | Fuente originalLet’s go Dutch, Boris Johnson tells Europe to avert Covid jabs blockade
Boris Johnson is mounting a diplomatic offensive as he tries to prevent the EU imposing a ban on the export of about ten million coronavirus jabs to the UK.The prime minister spoke to President Macron
The Times | | Fuente originalOverseas travel ban extended until July due to third wave fears
Holidays will be banned until the end of June with people who try to leave the country facing £5,000 fines as ministers tighten border restrictions.Boris Johnson warned yesterday that a third wave of
The Times | | Fuente originalDNA tests will reveal patients’ hidden danger of heart disease
The NHS is moving towards an era of “personalised medicine” with the first trial of a technology that surveys DNA to calculate patients’ risk of disease.The technique could ultimately be used by GPs
The Times | | Fuente originalBen Wallace tells EU leaders to ‘grow up’ and work with UK on Covid-19 vaccine supply
A cabinet minister has suggested that EU leaders should be more “grown up” as Britain urged Brussels to step back from a full-scale vaccine war.Ben Wallace, the defence secretary, warned the EU that
The Times | | Fuente originalDenmark disperses ghettoes with cap on ‘non-westerners’ to reach 2031 target
Denmark plans to cap the number of “non-westerners” who are allowed to live on its most troubled housing estates as the government seeks to prevent the emergence of “parallel religious and cultural
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Tensión entre Bruselas y Pekín
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- Guía fácil del IRPF (II): La influencia de la pandemia del Covid en la declaración
- Cuatro empresas se llevaron uno de cada diez euros adjudicados por la vía de emergencia en 2020
- La inversión alternativa despega en España
- "El error es mío": un histórico 'mea culpa' de Merkel desnuda el hartazgo de Alemania
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- La SEPI esgrime tres informes independientes para defender el rescate de Plus Ultra
- El covid arrasa con el 50% del valor de los centros comerciales y el 5% de las oficinas
- Por qué hay tanto miedo a la inflación: así afecta a los ciudadanos una subida generalizada de precios
- Rafael Catalá, ex ministro de Justicia: "La palabra eficacia no existe en el diccionario de la administración"
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis