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Vaccines likely to be slowing spread of Covid, scientists believe
Vaccines are showing promising signs of reducing the transmission of Covid-19 in Britain, according to a study.Oxford scientists who analysed 1.6 million viral swabs said they were cautiously hopeful
The Times | | Fuente originalFrom Zoom briefing to fiasco: How the European Super League collapsed
At a Zoom meeting on Friday the media officers from six Premier League clubs were stunned at what they were being told.Katie Perrior, a former Downing Street spin doctor, and Richard Conway, a former
The Times | | Fuente originalDyson texting row: Boris Johnson refused to change phone number despite lobbying fears
Boris Johnson rejected the cabinet secretary’s advice to change his phone number amid concerns about him being contacted by people who could potentially influence policy decisions, The Times has
The Times | | Fuente originalPromises of a Covid pill come with warning of a third wave
Pills taken at home will stop people getting severe Covid-19, Boris Johnson promised as he warned that the country would have to deal with a third wave of the virus this year.The prime minister set a
The Times | | Fuente originalSuper League crumbles as clubs bow to fan fury
The European Super League collapsed last night after all six English clubs involved announced that they were pulling out following an extraordinary backlash from fans, players, managers and
The Times | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson ‘should not rule on sleaze’ in shake-up after Greensill lobbying scandal
The head of the government’s ethics watchdog has called on Boris Johnson to give up the power to decide whether ministers should be investigated for breaching Whitehall’s sleaze rules.In a letter to
The Times | | Fuente originalPrince William joins the backlash over European Super League
The Duke of Cambridge warned yesterday that a breakaway football Super League would “damage the game we love” as ministers threatened to ban matches from being held in Britain.Boris Johnson vowed to
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
- La degeneración política: lluvia ácida sobre España
- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
- Díaz presiona a empresas y sindicatos a pactar el 'desmontaje' de la reforma laboral para antes del verano
- Unos 127.000 catalanes se verán afectados por el parón cautelar con AstraZeneca
- El Gobierno volverá a reunirse el próximo martes con agentes sociales para desmontar la reforma laboral
- Hacienda, obligada a devoluciones millonarias a los fondos soberanos
- El Gobierno crea los impuestos de residuos y plásticos
- Consumo plantea gravar a las empresas que ofrecen las cajas botín o 'loot boxes' de los videojuegos
- La españolización de Lidl y Aldi: cómo los alemanes están conquistando a los productores nacionales
- La banca negocia en Bruselas una comisión millonaria por canalizar los fondos europeos
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- Un tercio de las empresas prevé mejorar las ventas en primavera
- Group of junior bankers at Goldman Sachs claim 'inhumane' work conditions
- Plus Ultra opera sólo el 0,03% de los vuelos en España y recibe el rescate récord del Estado: 150.000 euros por empleado
- La deuda pública aumentará en unos 35.000 millones por el banco malo
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis