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Vaccines hit new high as all over-30s offered jabs
Britain is heading for two “big” weeks of vaccination, boosting hopes that immunisation can stay ahead of the Indian variant and allow restrictions to end next month.Vaccination rates are approaching
The Times | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson keen to help pubs by calling time on one-metre rule
The “one-metre plus” social distancing rule is still on course to be scrapped next month, Boris Johnson has told Conservative MPs.He said it was the “single biggest difference” the government could
The Times | | Fuente originalWilliam’s anger at scandal of Bashir’s Diana interview: ‘BBC lies fuelled my mother’s paranoia’
Prince William condemned the BBC last night for its “lies” in securing his mother’s interview with Martin Bashir, which he said stoked her paranoia and contributed to the breakdown of her marriage.The
The Times | | Fuente originalSenior civil servants as privileged as they were 50 years ago
Senior civil servants are as privileged today as 50 years ago, with fewer than one in five coming from a working-class background, a report backed by the government has concluded.The Social Mobility
The Times | | Fuente originalHopes rise for end to lockdown next month
Boris Johnson is increasingly optimistic that coronavirus restrictions can end as planned on June 21 after early data suggested that the Indian variant was not spreading as fast as previously feared.
The Times | | Fuente originalBig events without masks are no riskier than shopping, Covid trials show
Holding mass events without masks and social distancing can be as safe as going to a restaurant or shopping centre, government trials suggest.Preliminary data from the events research programme is
The Times | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson backs tariff-free trade with Australia
Boris Johnson is prepared to offer Australia tariff-free access to British food markets despite warnings that it could put farmers out of business.The prime minister is backing a plan to give
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
- Catalunya decide hoy si levanta el confinamiento comarcal
- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
- Elecciones o moción de censura: la política madrileña se aboca a los tribunales tras una jornada de caos
- El rescate de Plus Ultra eleva la presión sobre Hacienda para nombrar presidente de la Sepi: "No es una empresa estratégica"
- Se acelera la destrucción de empresas en lo que va de año
- El Gobierno propone para autónomos 13 tramos de cotización al estilo IRPF
- La corrupción de las palabras
- El timo del cobre, señal del nuevo 'boom' de las materias primas
- Covid-19: Argimon, a favor de retrasar las segundas dosis para aumentar la "protección colectiva"
- Marruecos legaliza el cultivo de cannabis: así afectará a las mafias del hachís en España
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- Madrid y Catalunya: una pandemia, dos gestiones
- Así afecta el control de precios a la oferta de alquiler en Barcelona
- El Gobierno dará 7.000 millones en ayudas directas a empresas a través de las autonomías
- La política española estalla justo cuando tiene que solicitar y ejecutar los fondos europeos
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis