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The data that delayed the end of Covid restrictions
CasesA virus is a complex self-replication machine that evolved organically over billions of years. An exponential function is a simple concept created in a mathematician’s head. It feels nothing
The Times | | Fuente originalGordon Brown warns that decades of conflict face the Union
Boris Johnson’s failure to re-evaluate devolution risks causing 50 years of conflict between Scotland and England, Gordon Brown said.The former Labour prime minister said the future of the Union was
The Times | | Fuente originalJune 21 easing of Covid lockdown rules delayed by four weeks
Boris Johnson will appeal to the nation to be patient today as he announces that the June 21 easing of lockdown restrictions will be delayed by up to four weeks.The prime minister will use a press
The Times | | Fuente originalEmmanuel Macron to block new Brexit talks on Northern Ireland
President Macron warned Boris Johnson last night that he would veto any attempt to renegotiate the Northern Ireland Brexit deal.In comments before meeting the prime minister today at the G7 summit in
The Times | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson ponders four-week delay before end of Covid restrictions
Ministers are considering delaying the end of coronavirus restrictions for a month to give businesses “certainty” and allow more time for people to receive two vaccinations, The Times has been told.
The Times | | Fuente originalBoris Johnson to lift Covid-19 limit on weddings
Boris Johnson will lift the 30-person limit on weddings even if the easing of other lockdown restrictions is delayed beyond June 21, The Times has been told.The prime minister, who married Carrie
The Times | | Fuente originalG7 summit 2021: Joe Biden accuses Boris Johnson of ‘inflaming’ Irish tensions
President Biden ordered US officials to issue Boris Johnson with an extraordinary diplomatic rebuke for imperilling the Northern Ireland peace process over Brexit, The Times can reveal.Yael Lempert
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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