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Uefa threat over Euro 2020 final at Wembley
Thousands of VIPs will be allowed into England without the need to quarantine under plans to stop the final of the European Championship being moved from Wembley to Budapest, The Times can reveal.
The Times | | Fuente originalTougher targets to be set on improving air quality
New legal limits on air quality will be introduced before the end of next year as part of measures designed to address escalating concerns over pollution.The government announced today that tougher
The Times | | Fuente originalSummer Covid death predictions downgraded
Estimates for the number of people who could die or need hospital treatment in a summer wave of coronavirus infections are to be reduced by thousands after data showed that vaccines were more
The Times | | Fuente originalOxfam sacks aid workers after Congo scandal
Oxfam sacked three aid workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo yesterday after an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, intimidation, nepotism and fraud in
The Times | | Fuente originalChina state TV channel CGTN enlists UK student influencers
China’s state TV station has been targeting British university campuses and offering students the chance to win thousands of pounds by becoming pro-Beijing social media influencers, The Times can
The Times | | Fuente originalMandatory Covid vaccines for NHS and care home staff
NHS workers and care home staff will be legally required to have coronavirus vaccinations under plans that have the personal support of Boris Johnson, The Times has been told.The government will open
The Times | | Fuente originalEU leaders turn on each other over Northern Ireland protocol
Senior figures at the European Union have clashed over its response to the dispute with the UK over Brexit and Northern Ireland.Hardliners led by President Macron of France and Ursula von der Leyen
The Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis
- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
- Revolución en el IVA del comercio online
- Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
- 8-M: todos contra todos
- La negativa de Madrid a cerrar bloquea el plan de Sanidad y las autonomías para evitar un nuevo repunte en Semana Santa
- El Gobierno retrasa la aprobación de las ayudas a pymes hasta el viernes
- "Están desapareciendo millones de trabajos y los hombres sufrirán más que las mujeres"
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- El Gobierno ampliará hasta el 31 de diciembre la moratoria para evitar que las empresas presenten concurso
- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
- He pagado de más a Hacienda, ¿cómo consigo que me lo devuelva?
- Calviño quiere que la mayoría de los 11.000 millones sean ayudas directas