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Supreme Court denies GOP request to stop extended deadline for mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, a key state for Trump.
The court’s action carried outsize importance because of Pennsylvania’s pivotal role in the presidential election.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalHow race affects your credit score.
The legacy of slavery endures, and Blacks must make extraordinary efforts to overcome the discrimination that is often hidden in policies or, in the case of credit scoring, products that purport to be race-neutral.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalAs coronavirus cases rise, red-state governors resist measures to slow the spread, preach ‘personal responsibility’.
Even as records are shattered daily in middle American states that had escaped the worst of the pandemic this spring and summer, many Republican governors are balking at imposing limitations to stop the spread.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalOctober unemployment claims: Rising again..
Jobless claims rose for the first time in weeks, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to weigh on the labor market with tens of millions of workers out of work. Extra federal unemployment benefits expired for many in July, and it’s increasingly unlikely Congress will reach a deal before the presidential election.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalTrump and Biden spar from afar in dueling town halls centering on coronavirus and presidential plans..
The prime time network events replaced the canceled second scheduled presidential debate and reflected jarring differences between the candidates.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalUSPS, already drowning in packages, now juggling Prime Day, holiday sales on top of ballots.
Retail promotions will feed millions of packages into the mail system, further stressing an agency trying to reverse service delays in the run-up to the election.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalBiden, Democrats raise record-busting $383 million in September.
The massive sum leaves the Democratic nominee flush with cash in the final weeks of the election. Meanwhile, President Trump held a rally in Iowa, a state he won comfortably four years ago, while Vice President Pence campaigned in Michigan.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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