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Can Bitcoin Be a National Currency? El Salvador Is Trying to Find Out.

The country made bitcoin legal tender last September and now is aiming to raise $1 billion to fund expansive economic policies by cashing in on the crypto craze. But the IMF warns bitcoin is too risky, and Salvadorans are mostly sticking to dollars.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Russia Says Some Troops Pulling Back From Ukraine Border, as Diplomatic Solution Sought

U.S. and European officials say they see no evidence of a significant drawdown of forces.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

The Fed Missed Inflation. Can Jay Powell Tame It Without Causing a Recession?

Chairman engineered an economic rescue. Now he has the tricky job of cooling prices without hampering growth. Markets are fast adjusting to the new reality.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Russia Accelerates Troop Buildup Along Ukraine Border

Germany’s chancellor shuttled between the two nations to mediate peace, as Russian President Vladimir Putin leaves an opening for talks.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Regulators Probe Block Trading at Morgan Stanley, Goldman, Other Wall Street Firms

Federal investigators are probing the business of block trading at Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and other firms, examining whether bankers may have improperly tipped hedge-fund clients in advance of large share sales, according to people familiar with the situation.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Inflation Is Everywhere, Including Places You Might Not Expect

Beyond higher prices for materials, shipping or wages, inflation is hitting U.S. companies in less-obvious ways, seeping into legal costs for Marlboro maker Altria and auto-repair bills for insurer Allstate.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Why Russian Invasion Peril Is Driving Oil Prices Near $100

Spare supplies of oil and gas are limited globally as demand rebounds faster than production, making a Russian move on Ukraine a serious geopolitical risk event.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original