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NATO Members Mount Huge Operation to Resupply Ukrainian Fighters
Western countries are mobilizing aircraft, trains and automobiles to help Ukraine get missiles and rockets to fend off Russian forces.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalHow Oil Giants’ Bets on Russia, Years in the Making, Crumbled in Days
Rapid pullouts by BP, Shell and Exxon after decades of cultivating close relationships show the mounting perils of doing business with Moscow. “We’ve effectively walked away from our business in Russia.”
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalRussia Pummels Civilian Targets While Talks Make Scant Progress
Ukrainian and Russian negotiators ended a third round of talks with little progress, while Ukraine’s military held fast along several fronts and Russia continued to shell cities and residential areas.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalChina Opposes Sanctions and Has a Reputation for Busting Them
Western actions to sever many of Russia’s ties to the global economy as punishment for its war on Ukraine could be less effective if China offers Moscow access to what some see as the bazaar of choice for rogue nations.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalUkraine Faces Fresh Wave of Attacks Focused on Population Centers
Russian forces intensified strikes across Ukraine, pushing toward the capital, Kyiv, and the country’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, and killing dozens of civilians.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalUkraine Nuclear Power Plant Fire Raises Fears, Calls for Cease-Fire in Area
A fire at a nuclear power plant in Ukraine raised concerns with the United Nations’ atomic agency and prompted a call between President Biden and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalChina Declared Its Russia Friendship Had ‘No Limits.’ It’s Having Second Thoughts.
Xi Jinping wanted Vladimir Putin to join in a united front against the U.S., and he got it Feb. 4. Now the Ukraine war threatens to undo Beijing’s yearslong effort to become a world leader.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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