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U.S. Won’t Negotiate Ukraine-Related Sanctions With Russia to Save Iran Nuclear Deal
A senior U.S. official said Moscow had a week to withdraw its demand for written guarantees exempting Russia from any Ukraine-related sanctions that would constrain Moscow’s future trade with Iran.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalWomen Embrace Flexible Working, but Economists Say It Could Hinder Their Careers
Economists say that workers who never come back to the office risk isolating themselves from promotions and networking opportunities.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalOpioid Victims Confront Purdue Pharma’s Sacklers in Bankruptcy Court
Victims of the opioid epidemic confronted the Sackler family members who own Purdue Pharma for the first time in bankruptcy court as the OxyContin maker nears a possible exit from chapter 11 that requires $6 billion in settlement payments from its owners.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalRussia Ramps Up Ukraine Attacks in Effort to Seize Strategically Key Port City
Moscow launched a fresh assault on the besieged city of Mariupol, a day after one of its planes bombed a maternity hospital, as a more destructive phase of Russia’s invasion takes a greater civilian toll.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalRussians Rush to Leave as Sanctions Bite and Putin Clamps Down on Dissent Over Ukraine War
Harsh sanctions, growing isolation and fear of President Vladimir Putin’s increasingly repressive rule are driving thousands of Russians out of their country.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalAmazon Board Approves 20-for-1 Stock Split, $10 Billion Share Repurchase
The tech giant says said the split will make the share price more accessible for potential investors and will allow employees more flexibility in managing stock-based compensation.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalHundreds of Ships Trapped by Ukraine War, Endangering Sailors and Global Trade
Port closings and missile strikes on vessels have had ripple effects on trade, including on grain markets. On one Bangladeshi ship, the consequences were dire.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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