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Fashion Industry Gets Torn by Europe’s Soaring Energy Bills
The surge in natural-gas and electricity prices has imperiled thousands of small factories and workshops that supply brands such as Gucci and H&M. The cost of gas, said one Italian fabric dyer, has become ‘a monster that’s devouring us.’
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalGoldman Shuffle Aims to Reduce Reliance on M&A
The bank will combine investment banking and trading under one roof, while merging asset and wealth management into another. Its investment-banking revenue fell 57% in the latest quarter, following similar declines at other banks.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalXi Jinping’s Ideological Ambition Darkens China’s Economic Prospects
Many economists predict slower growth, in part due to Xi’s focus on Communist Party control. He shows few signs of changing course on his priorities.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalU.K. Treasury Chief Jeremy Hunt Reverses Nearly All Tax Plans to Reassure Markets
New U.K. Treasury Chief Jeremy Hunt said he is reversing nearly all the government’s proposed tax cuts and would pare back an energy price cap as he moves to reassure markets about the stability of the nation’s finances.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalGoldman Plans Sweeping Reorganization, Combining Investment Banking and Trading
The Wall Street firm will combine its flagship investment-banking and trading businesses into one unit, while merging asset and wealth management into another.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalXi Jinping’s Quest for Control Over China Targets Even Old Friends
A campaign of anticorruption purges has helped China’s leader tighten his grip on power—and his tactics have grown more sophisticated and pervasive.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalJan. 6 Committee Votes to Subpoena Donald Trump
The committee investigating the Capitol riot voted to issue a subpoena to former President Donald Trump. The vote marks a dramatic conclusion to the day’s hearing, during which lawmakers laid out Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election result.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
- El IVA más ineficiente de Europa: España recaudaría lo mismo con un tipo único del 10%
- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
- Sánchez presenta en la UE el plan de salida de la crisis con mayor déficit crónico de la Eurozona
- Chinese Manufacturers Sidestep Trade Barriers by Buying Factories Overseas
- El Gobierno se desdice de sus argumentos de octubre sobre los toques de queda
- Un día en la vida de un 'rider'
- Trabajo penalizará más la contratación ultracorta y creará "un mecanismo efectivo" contra los abusos en la temporalidad
- Los precios de los alimentos se disparan a causa de la especulación
- 150.000 personas cobrarán tarde el paro y las prestaciones tras el ciberataque al SEPE
- España tiene un déficit de 120.000 enfermeras
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- States Urge Facebook to Abandon Plan for Children’s Instagram
- Bruselas prevé que las primeras partidas de los fondos europeos empiecen a llegar en julio: 9.000 millones serían para España
- El bloqueo de la ley que regula los fondos europeos amenaza con retrasar el reparto a 2022
- Las 'Big Tech' han canibalizado el arte. Debemos revivir a los artistas
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis