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US bank stocks lose over $108 billion after key Silicon Valley lender stumbles
Thursday’s bank rout is another consequence of the Fed’s aggressive rate-hiking campaign to control inflation.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
China’s Xi Jinping takes on unprecedented third term as president
Outgoing Executive Vice-Premier Han Zheng has been endorsed as vice-president, succeeding Mr Wang Qishan.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
What is 6G and why is it important?
ST’s tech editor looks at the mobile evolution and what each upgrade can do for users in Singapore.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
Padang, surrounding buildings potential candidate for Singapore’s 2nd Unesco World Heritage Site
The Padang Civic Ensemble includes the historical green, open space and former Supreme Court and City Hall.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
I’m ready to dance with the wolves: China’s new Foreign Minister
His maiden annual meet-the-press session will most likely be remembered for his love of analogy and Chinese philosophy.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
Singapore flags errors, good calls and lessons from the ‘complex and wicked’ Covid-19 pandemic
The White Paper on the nation’s performance listed eight things that Singapore did well, and six areas for improvement.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
Salaries of software engineers in Singapore hit record high; demand for AI skills to rise in tech sector
Other tech jobs that saw significant pay bumps include mobile engineers, blockchain engineers and data engineers.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
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- Así afecta el control de precios a la oferta de alquiler en Barcelona
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