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India losing ground in its Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy plan in South Asia
Neighbouring countries that relied on India for vaccines are increasingly turning to China.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalCPTPP members, including Singapore, agree to induct Britain into trade pact
A working group chaired by Japan and with Singapore and Australia as vice-chairs will oversee the process.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalBiden to amend Trump's China blacklist, targeting key industries
The amended order will change the criteria for blacklisting entities to capture those that operate in the defence or surveillance technology sectors.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalSupporting policies needed for parents in China to have more babies: Analysts
Experts wonder about the effectiveness of the latest change, given that parents in China have largely kept to a one-child policy.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalHow the world ran out of everything: Global shortages of many goods reflect disruption of Covid-19 pandemic
The tumultuous events of the past year have challenged the merits of paring inventories.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalHSBC to expand wealth businesses here and in region, build on Singapore's growing stature as hub
But Republic has to deepen skills of local staff, says HSBC head of global private banking for South-east Asia.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalPeople prepare for a tough time during full Covid-19 lockdown in Malaysia
Only essential businesses, such as food and beverage outlets, banking and e-commerce, are allowed.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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