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Singapore, Asia markets slide after Fed signals more rate hikes and peak at higher level
The Dow Jones initially rose, then fell to end the session with a 1.55% loss at 32,147.76 points. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalMalaysia GE2022: Zahid’s divisive line-up could backfire on BN’s election prospects
The backlash from BN chairman Zahid Hamidi's take-no-prisoners election lineup could be dire. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalChina locks down area around Foxconn’s iPhone plant over Covid-19
The lockdown will last until Nov 9, the local government said. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalClimate activists glue themselves to dinosaur exhibit at Berlin museum
BERLIN - Two women glued themselves to the handrails around a dinosaur exhibit at Berlin’s Natural History museum on Sunday in the latest protest by climate activists, calling on the German government to scale up measures to fight climate change. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalMore than 132 killed in India as packed suspension bridge collapses
The bridge reopened after seven months of repairs despite not having a safety certificate. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalPutin says world faces ‘most dangerous decade’ since WWII
He says Russia does not consider itself an enemy of the West. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalFor Twitter’s ‘Chief Twit’ Elon Musk, now comes the hard part
Mr Musk is seeking to build the “everything app”, while preventing a “hellscape” to keep advertisers happy. Read more at straitstimes.com.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- El Gobierno asegura que recibirá 78 millones de dosis y dice que cumplirá el plan de vacunación sin AstraZeneca
- La banca prepara un año de despidos masivos, con más de 15.000 salidas
- How Amazon Strong-Arms Partners Using Its Power Across Multiple Businesses
- Las CCAA se dotan de leyes para poder confinar a la población sin estado de alarma
- Sánchez reparte 50.000 millones en inversiones antes de ir al Congreso
- 150.000 personas cobrarán tarde el paro y las prestaciones tras el ciberataque al SEPE
- El agujero técnico del plan estrella de Sánchez desconcierta a CCAA y empresas
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- El Plan de Recuperación plantea subir los impuestos de la gasolina y el diésel
- ¿Es TV3 nuestra Fox3?
- Bares y restaurantes catalanes han abierto un 60% menos de horas que en Madrid desde octubre
- La UE y Sputnik: entre la presión y la unidad
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis