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China’s BYD is overtaking Tesla as the carmaker extraordinaire
It’s the Toyota of electric vehicles.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
Masks no longer required on public transport from Feb 13 as Singapore moves to Dorscon green
Masks are still needed in hospital wards, clinics and nursing homes when interacting with patients.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
White House must navigate anti-China hysteria, stabilise relations with Beijing
WASHINGTON - Under almost 24/7 coverage that veered towards parody last week, the United States was transfixed by news about a Chinese “spy” balloon drifting over and across the country until – as seen on live television – it was brought down off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday by a short-range Sidewinder missile fired from a top-of-the-line F-22 fighter jet.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
6,000 buildings collapsed in Turkey quake, clock ticking for rescuers as death toll crosses 8,700
The desperate search is complicated by geography and geopolitics, freezing weather and the sheer scope of the disaster.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
Umno purge puts Anwar’s Pakatan Harapan in a tight spot
Not keen on being in opposition, ex-Umno members are seeking to join parties in PH.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
Screams from under the rubble fill the night: Over 4,800 dead in earthquake that hit Turkey, Syria
Temperatures fell close to freezing overnight, worsening conditions for people trapped under rubble or left homeless.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
US-China relations: A long history of balloons, bombs and drones
NEW YORK – The dramatic downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon off the South Carolina coast is the latest in a history of provocations and near-misses between the United States and China.
Read more at straitstimes.com.
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- Unos 127.000 catalanes se verán afectados por el parón cautelar con AstraZeneca
- El Gobierno volverá a reunirse el próximo martes con agentes sociales para desmontar la reforma laboral
- Hacienda, obligada a devoluciones millonarias a los fondos soberanos
- El Gobierno crea los impuestos de residuos y plásticos
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- Un tercio de las empresas prevé mejorar las ventas en primavera
- Group of junior bankers at Goldman Sachs claim 'inhumane' work conditions
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- La deuda pública aumentará en unos 35.000 millones por el banco malo
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis