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Exclusive: Cabinet Office briefing seen by Guardian warns that Brexit, Covid, flu, flooding and unrest could lead to chaos
Exclusive: Cabinet Office briefing seen by Guardian warns that Brexit, Covid, flu, flooding and unrest could lead to chaos</p>
The Guardian | | Fuente originalAndrew Bailey said failure to agree to deal would cause long-term damage to UK economy
Andrew Bailey said failure to agree to deal would cause long-term damage to UK economy</p>
The Guardian | | Fuente originalPresident says he will continue to fight results as General Services Administration clears way for handover
President says he will continue to fight results as General Services Administration clears way for handover</p>
The Guardian | | Fuente originalSpending watchdog claims ports and businesses are not ready for 1 January, with Northern Ireland a big concern
Spending watchdog claims ports and businesses are not ready for 1 January, with Northern Ireland a big concern The Guardian | | Fuente originalFive small businesses in England and Wales talk about the struggle for survival during Covid
Five small businesses in England and Wales talk about the struggle for survival during Covid The Guardian | | Fuente originalInvestors think that the Democrat could be hamstrung by the Senate and unable to pass stimulus, meaning a better outlook for tech and health stocks
Investors think that the Democrat could be hamstrung by the Senate and unable to pass stimulus, meaning a better outlook for tech and health stocks The Guardian | | Fuente originalClimbdown comes amid mounting pressure on Rishi Sunak to safeguard jobs during second wave of Covid-19
Climbdown comes amid mounting pressure on Rishi Sunak to safeguard jobs during second wave of Covid-19 The Guardian | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- La Seguridad Social puede embargar el 90% de una pensión para pagar deudas: límites, excepciones y tipos
- El Gobierno prorrogará la moratoria de los concursos de acreedores
- La negativa de Madrid a cerrar bloquea el plan de Sanidad y las autonomías para evitar un nuevo repunte en Semana Santa
- He pagado de más a Hacienda, ¿cómo consigo que me lo devuelva?
- El Tribunal Supremo eleva la carga fiscal del usufructo en la herencia
- El Reino Unido desafía a la UE y altera unilateralmente el Protocolo de Irlanda
- Inditex negocia con su casero Unibail una bajada del 20% del alquiler de sus establecimientos
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis
- Por qué no hay que dejar la libertad de expresión en manos de las empresas
- El Gobierno se plantea transferir más dinero a las autonomías para que ayuden a las empresas
- Bruselas obligará a las empresas a compensar a las víctimas de discriminación salarial por razón de género
- Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
- Calviño quiere que la mayoría de los 11.000 millones sean ayudas directas
- Así hace lobby Yolanda Díaz en Bruselas para tumbar la reforma laboral contra la oposición de Calviño