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Alexei Mordashov: Russia’s richest man is now an EU sanctions target
Oligarch has investments ranging from London-listed travel giant Tui to the ‘personal bank’ of senior Russian officials
The Guardian | | Fuente originalBusinesses urge Sunak to delay ‘ill-timed and illogical’ NI rise
As Ukraine crisis drives energy prices up, firms say tax rise could put Covid recovery at risk
The Guardian | | Fuente originalThe great decoupling: how UK-based firms are unwinding exposure to Russia
Oil companies and City and law firms are among many working round the clock to sever ties with Russian-owned businesses
The Guardian | | Fuente originalBP to offload $14bn stake in Russian state oil firm Rosneft after UK pressure
‘Fundamental change’ in relations with Moscow follows call from minister raising concerns
The Guardian | | Fuente originalUS, UK, Europe and Canada to block Swift access for some Russian banks
Partial ejection from global payment system expected in days as part of new sanctions against Moscow
The Guardian | | Fuente originalUkraine crisis: commodities prices surge as stock markets slump
Russian invasion of Ukraine fuels near-40% rise in gas price and oil to $105 per barrel as European stock markets tumble
The Guardian | | Fuente originalRussia’s invasion of Ukraine will change the face of Europe for ever | Timothy Garton Ash
It will take years for the consequences of 24 February to be played out, but there is still much the west can do to help Ukrainians, says the Guardian columnist Timothy Garton Ash
The Guardian | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- 8-M: todos contra todos
- La negativa de Madrid a cerrar bloquea el plan de Sanidad y las autonomías para evitar un nuevo repunte en Semana Santa
- El Gobierno retrasa la aprobación de las ayudas a pymes hasta el viernes
- "Están desapareciendo millones de trabajos y los hombres sufrirán más que las mujeres"
- Las guerras eternas del feminismo: del "sólo sí es sí" a la 'Ley Trans'
- El Gobierno ampliará hasta el 31 de diciembre la moratoria para evitar que las empresas presenten concurso
- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
- He pagado de más a Hacienda, ¿cómo consigo que me lo devuelva?
- Calviño quiere que la mayoría de los 11.000 millones sean ayudas directas