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Wild winds blow up solar farm profits
Almost 80 per cent of NSW solar farm output was turned off on Sunday to avoid losses as prices plunged due to oversupply amid plentiful rooftop solar and wind power.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalHarris flips on key issues in scramble for middle voters
In her first media interview aired on CNN, the Democratic candidate showed she was willing to switch her views to win over crucial middle and undecided voters.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalMajor law firms locked out of government work
Some of Australia’s largest firms have lost appointments to parts of a major government panel, after the Attorney-General’s Department reduced tender prices.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalUK tones down ‘right to switch off’ rules
Rather than seeking legislation to enact the new after-hours employee contact protocols, ministers instead will push for a code of practice for businesses.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalBHP just called the end of the iron ore boom
While the steelmaking material will deliver huge profits for decades to come, BHP chief executive Mike Henry has switched his growth focus to the next big thing.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalAustralianSuper takes billion-dollar hit on venture capital failure
The country’s largest superannuation fund had extended loans and capital to education start-up Pluralsight. But lenders have moved in, wiping its investment.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalWhy Australian bonds are flashing red for more job losses
Traders are betting the Australian economy may have bigger hurdles ahead than the Reserve Bank of Australia has forecast.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
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