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Benjamin Netanyahu, the vile messiah leading a cult of Lies and Death
Despite Presiding Over Numerous Failures – Including Iran, the Economy, the Cost of Living and October 7 – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Is Still Worshipped by Over a Quarter of Israelis. The Gap Between His Failings and His Support Has All the Attributes of a Cult
Haaretz | | Fuente originalProtesters block major roads and intersections across Israel, call for hostage deal
General Strike Across Israel Begins, Hours After Hundreds of Thousands Took to the Streets in Protest 25 Remain in Custody Following Tel Aviv Protest Austin to Gallant: Hamas Leaders Must Be Held Accountable Biden, Harris to Meet Negotiating Team, White House Says Over a Thousand Attend NYC Vigil for Six Hostages Murdered by Hamas
Haaretz | | Fuente originalHarris to CNN: I won't change Biden's Israel policy. We have to get cease-fire deal done
In Her First Interview as the 2024 Democratic Presidential Nominee, the Vice President Reaffirmed Her Belief That 'Israel Has a Right to Defend Itself,' but Added That 'How It Does So Matters'
Haaretz | | Fuente originalIsrael is racing toward a constitutional crisis
Israeli Governments Ignoring High Court Rulings Is Nothing New, but Experts Say the Trend Has Exacerbated in Recent Years. Meanwhile, Ministers' Repeated Refusals to Accept the Attorney General's Binding Opinions and Their Open Hostility Toward Her Are Unprecedented
Haaretz | | Fuente originalWhat has Hezbollah ever done for Palestine?
Hezbollah's 'Resistance' Against Israel Is an Epic Fraud. It Is a Violent, Corrupt, Anachronistic Force Playing Regional Roulette With Everyone's Lives, Specializing in the Exploitation of the Palestinian Cause
Haaretz | | Fuente originalMoney has dried up, and Israeli startups are folding one after another
'Directly Tied to the Gaza War' | Many Israeli Tech Companies Have Closed or Significantly Reduced Their Activity in the Past Year. They Share a Common Denominator
Haaretz | | Fuente originalEgypt denies Israeli claims that active tunnels still run across border with Gaza
This Egyptian Claim Contradicts Not Only Netanyahu's Assessment, but Also Assessments Made by Other Senior Israeli Officials About Hamas' Activity in the Corridor
Haaretz | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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