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Netanyahu only stands to gain from the agents of chaos who stormed two IDF bases
The Comparison Between the Violent Storming of Two Military Bases and Pro-democracy Demonstrations in Tel Aviv – as the Israeli Prime Minister Appeared to Do – Raises Concerns That We Have Not Experienced Since October 7
Haaretz | | Fuente originalIDF moves troops to base where mob protested arrest of soldiers for abusing Gaza detainee
Right-wing Protesters Stormed Two Army Bases on Monday After Nine Reservists Were Arrested Following an IDF Investigation Into 'Substantial Abuse of a Palestinian Detainee' IDF Says Incidents at Both Sde Teiman and Beit Lid Have Harmed National Security, Since It Was Forced to Halt Situation Assessments About the Northern Front for Several Hours
Haaretz | | Fuente originalWar in the north? Israel's reaction to Majdal Shams attack will be the deciding factor
The Disaster in the Druze Community in the North Won't Go Unanswered, as Israeli Experts Try to Gauge Possible Next Moves by Hezbollah While All Eyes Are on the North, Chances of Gaza Hostage Deal Go Down
Haaretz | | Fuente originalAtlantis is lost: How the Israeli army's plan to flood Hamas' Gaza tunnels failed
Israel Started by Adopting an Old and Unsuitable Plan, Continued by Ignoring Professional Advice and the Possible Danger to the Abductees – and Ended Quietly a Few Months Later, Anyone Saying Whether It Achieved Anything at All. Haaretz Surveys Profiles the Atlantis Project – a Predictable Military Failure Which No One Stopped Until It Was Too Late
Haaretz | | Fuente originalNetanyahu didn't go to Washington to end Gaza war. He went to get the means to prolong it
While More Bodies of Israeli Hostages Are Being Discovered, Netanyahu Seeks to Garner Support Not Just for American Weapons, but for Everlasting Israeli Control Over the Gaza Strip
Haaretz | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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