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Are we on the verge of Lebanon's third civil war?
After Months of Israeli Strikes, Lebanon Sees Growing Tensions and Violent Clashes Between the Nearly 1.5 Million Displaced Persons and the Rest of the Population
Haaretz | | Fuente originalNetanyahu is certain there's no one left to oppose his plans. Only the public can stop him
Until This Point, the Prime Minister Has Been Wary of Openly Confronting the Attorney General, but Now Feels Confident Enough to Risk It. The Liberal Public, Drowning in Despair Since the Outbreak of the War, Will Not Be Able to Claim That It Did Not Know Where the Country Was Heading
Haaretz | | Fuente originalHow Trumpism 2.0 reshaped New York's Haredi political landscape
In the 2024 U.S. Election, Most American Jews Voted for the Democratic Candidate, Just as They Always Do. But the ultra-Orthodox Communities Seem to Have Entrenched Themselves Firmly in the Trump Camp, for Reason That Go Beyond Israel
Haaretz | | Fuente originalWhat if Trump's America actually withdraws from NATO?
President-elect Donald Trump Won't Immediately Announce a Withdrawal From the Alliance, but the Fracturing of NATO Will Begin With Other Steps by the U.S. – That Could Ultimately Lead to a Nuclear Domino Effect
Haaretz | | Fuente originalAs Netanyahu strives for endless war, his own coalition could be the major obstacle
The Israeli Prime Minister Is on a Collision Course as He Attempts to Navigate His ultra-Orthodox Partners' Demand for a Blanket Exemption From Military Service Sources Close to Netanyahu Are Celebrating Trump's Reelection, but Some of His Nominations Are Much Less Likely to Delight Them
Haaretz | | Fuente originalIDF probing if it killed hundreds in north Gaza in contravention of international law
Since the Start of the Operation in the Northern Gaza Strip, Dozens of Deaths From IDF Fire Have Been Reported Almost Every Day. Haaretz Learned That at Least 16 Attacks Will Be Investigated, With the Aim of Fending Off Demands by International Authorities to Investigate Soldiers or Officers Suspected of Committing War Crimes
Haaretz | | Fuente originalWhile Israel seeks deal in Lebanon, IDF and Hezbollah escalate their attacks
If the Fighting on the Northern Front Continues, the IDF Will Need to Be Increasingly Economical With Munitions and Winter Conditions Will Make Combat More Difficult. The Government Is Trying to Inure Israelis to the War – but Daily Reports of Fatalities and the Continued Neglect of the Hostages Are Not a 'Normal' Price
Haaretz | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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