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Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir complain about the 'deep state.' It turns out they're running it
The Latest Affair Involving the National Security Minister's Associates Is Another Stage in His Hostile Takeover of the Police. He and Netanyahu Can Threaten to Oust the Attorney General, but the Chances of That Look Slim
Haaretz | | Fuente originalErdogan's Syrian adventure is a dangerous gamble for the Middle East
The Turkish President Sees the Election of Donald Trump as an Opportunity to Improve His Standing, but the Syrian Arena Could Drag Him Into a Comprehensive War – Which Is the Last Thing He Wants
Haaretz | | Fuente originalHow the Israel-Gaza war has divided Germany's far-right AfD party
The Alternative for Germany's Co-leaders Clashed Recently Over Whether to Supply Arms to Israel – the Latest Sign of a Split That Could Shape the Party's Upcoming Election Campaign
Haaretz | | Fuente originalIsrael-Hezbollah cease-fire goes into effect after nearly 14 months of fighting
Streams of Cars Carrying People Displaced From Southern Lebanon Heading South in the Early Hours of Wednesday, Despite Both the Israeli and Lebanese Armies Telling Residents to Wait
Haaretz | | Fuente originalDid the ICC just commit suicide? The answer has as much to do with Putin as Netanyahu
Western Allies' Responses to the International Criminal Court's Arrest Warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu Is Complicated by a Similar Move Against Vladimir Putin in 2023
Haaretz | | Fuente originalEverything you need to know about The Hague arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant
The International Criminal Court Granted the Chief Prosecutor's Request for Arrest Warrants Against the Israeli Prime Minister and Former Defense Minister on Suspicion of Commission of War Crimes. What Are the Suspicions? What Can Israel Do About the Warrants, and Might the Court Take Action Against Other Israelis?
Haaretz | | Fuente originalICC arrest warrants open the door for a Western arms embargo on Israel
The World Court's Decision Could Also Give a Tailwind to the Criminal Complaints and Investigations Against IDF Soldiers and Commanders That Are Being Conducted in Numerous Countries From Civilian Visits to Combat Areas to Conduct Akin to That of a Militia, the IDF's Disciplinary Problems Getting Worse
Haaretz | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
- He pagado de más a Hacienda, ¿cómo consigo que me lo devuelva?
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