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Manchester should mark the beginning of theend for senseless lockdown mania
A sophisticated public is now questioning the orthodoxy, as sceptical arguments finally enter the mainstream discourse
The Telegraph | | Fuente originalCountdown to US presidential vote: Biden maintains grip in opinion polls
Mr Biden has maintained his lead over Mr Trump, including in most battleground states.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalThailand lifts emergency measures aimed at stopping protests
The measures, which had prompted even bigger demonstrations, were lifted from 1pm Singapore time.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalNASA’s Six-Second Brush With Asteroid Bennu
Mission Osiris-REx is working to analyze a sample it picked up from the surface of asteroid Bennu. Scientists say the material may hold clues on the origins of the planets.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalPope Francis Backs Civil Unions for Gay Couples, in Shift for Vatican
Pope Francis endorsed civil unions for same-sex couples, in a move that is likely to intensify the already heated controversy over the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalJeffrey Katzenberg’s Quibi shutting down, an abrupt end to a once-audacious play.
A tech-Hollywood experiment is about to be no more
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalTrump weighs firing FBI director after election as frustration with Wray, Barr grows.
President Trump and his senior aides have been disappointed that FBI DIrector Christopher A. Wray and Attorney General William P. Barr have not done what Trump had hoped — indicate that Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, or other Biden associates are under investigation.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- El Gobierno ampliará hasta el 31 de diciembre la moratoria para evitar que las empresas presenten concurso
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- Electric Vehicles Are the U.S. Auto Industry’s Future—if Dealers Can Figure Out How to Sell Them
- El Gobierno se plantea transferir más dinero a las autonomías para que ayuden a las empresas
- Revolución en el IVA del comercio online
- "Están desapareciendo millones de trabajos y los hombres sufrirán más que las mujeres"
- 8-M: todos contra todos
- Moncloa suspende en la gestión de la pandemia con peor nota que las CCAA
- La vida en pareja aumenta la brecha de género
- Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
- Calviño quiere que la mayoría de los 11.000 millones sean ayudas directas