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Foreign Office minister Baroness Sugg quits over foreign aid cut
Rishi Sunak announced plans for legislation that could mean years of foreign aid budget cuts to plough billions of pounds back into the economy, prompting a ministerial resignation.The chancellor said</p>
The Times | | Fuente originalSurge in Hong Kong's Covid-19 cases due to rules being eased too soon, says expert
Infections rebounded from mid-September to October, soon after measures were eased.</p>
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalMalaysian PM Muhyiddin's federal budget passes Parliament test
It was passed by a voice vote and will now move to a three-week-long committee stage of debates.</p>
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalSupreme Court Blocks Covid-19 Restrictions on Religious Services in New York
A 5-4 Supreme Court blocked New York from imposing limits on attending religious services, with new Justice Amy Coney Barrett casting the pivotal vote to depart from past cases.</p>
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalWSJ News Exclusive | Salesforce Is in Advanced Talks to Buy Slack Technologies
A deal, which would mark a big move by the corporate-software maker into office communications, could be reached in days.</p>
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalDe wedloop om het schaarse grondwater
De aanspraken van burgers, boeren en bedrijven op grondwater zijn de afgelopen decennia dik verhonderdvoudigd. Zo neemt het aantal boeren dat met grondwater beregent snel toe. Deltacommissaris Peter Glas wil dat er een eind komt aan de 'ongebreidelde groei van grondwateronttrekkingen'.</p>
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalEuropa dwingt bedrijven klokkenluiders nog beter te beschermen
Een nieuwe Europese richtlijn dwingt werkgevers hun meldprocedure aan te passen. Maar de implementatie daarvan kan tot verwarring leiden, waarschuwen experts.</p>
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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