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Free ports – or sleaze ports? Rishi Sunak's dream of tax-free zones about to become reality

As bids close on applications to establish free ports, the jury is out on whether they will revitalise deprived areas of the UK or become mini-tax havens

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

World is shifting to a more plant-based diet, says Unilever chief

Group aims to have €1bn-a-year plant-based foods business by 2028, after success of its vegan products

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Return of sport and socialising outdoors when Covid lockdown eases

Outdoor sport and socialising are set to be among the first activities to be allowed after schools return next month, The Times has learnt.Boris Johnson’s plans for a release from lockdown in the

The Times |  | Fuente original

Government plans Covid vaccine passports to allow foreign holidays

British officials have started work on a “vaccine passport” as Greece prepares to waive quarantine rules for tourists who can prove that they have been inoculated against coronavirus.A certification

The Times |  | Fuente original

When will life return to normal? In 7 years at current Covid-19 vaccination rates

Vaccinations are happening more rapidly in richer Western countries than the rest of the globe.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Singapore retail sales chill in December as Singles' Day effect fades

The slump in Singapore's retail sales widened in December last year after a November boost by mega shopping events like Singles' Day and Black Friday faded.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

The Biden Administration’s Elusive Stimulus Goal: Full Employment

Before the pandemic, low joblessness boosted prosperity without overheating the economy and igniting inflation. Getting back there is the top economic aim of the Fed and White House. “The longer that you allow that high unemployment to fester, the more scarring it has.”

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original