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¿Qué negocios controla la Organización Trump y por qué es investigada criminalmente?

El imperio inmobiliario y financiero del magnate y expresidente Donald Trump ha estado en la mira de las autoridades fiscales desde hace unos años por causa civil, pero ahora la investigación ha cobrado un carácter criminal

El Universal |  | Fuente original

¿Por qué no ha habido tercera ola de Covid en México? 50% de la población ya portó el virus

Incidió campaña de vacunación y que vacaciones de Semana Santa se tomaron en espacios abiertos como playas, aseguran; llaman a no bajar la guardia ante desaceleración de transmisión

El Universal |  | Fuente original

UK inflation more than doubles in April as energy prices increase

Rise in cost of clothing and footwear also contributes to 1.5% figure, says ONS

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Bitcoin falls almost 30% after China crackdown

Digital currency under pressure from payment crackdown and tweets from Elon Musk

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Senior civil servants as privileged as they were 50 years ago

Senior civil servants are as privileged today as 50 years ago, with fewer than one in five coming from a working-class background, a report backed by the government has concluded.The Social Mobility

The Times |  | Fuente original

Hopes rise for end to lockdown next month

Boris Johnson is increasingly optimistic that coronavirus restrictions can end as planned on June 21 after early data suggested that the Indian variant was not spreading as fast as previously feared.

The Times |  | Fuente original

Trump faces New York state criminal probe, upping indictment threat

Mr Trump's pre-presidency business dealings have been under investigation for more than two years.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original