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Airlines working with WHO on testing system to replace quarantine
Ideally, Covid-19 tests should cost less than US$10 (S$13.60).
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalBattlegrounds for 2020 US elections: Will these states stay loyal to Trump?
ST's US Bureau reports from the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalCoronavirus Tanked the Economy. Then Credit Scores Went Up.
The average credit score hit a record in July after millions of Americans had lost their jobs, scrambling lenders’ underwriting models.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalChina Economy Grows 4.9% as Rest of World Struggles With Coronavirus
The third-quarter results put China’s economy back toward its pre-coronavirus trajectory half a year after the pandemic gutted it.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalHow race affects your credit score.
The legacy of slavery endures, and Blacks must make extraordinary efforts to overcome the discrimination that is often hidden in policies or, in the case of credit scoring, products that purport to be race-neutral.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalAs coronavirus cases rise, red-state governors resist measures to slow the spread, preach ‘personal responsibility’.
Even as records are shattered daily in middle American states that had escaped the worst of the pandemic this spring and summer, many Republican governors are balking at imposing limitations to stop the spread.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalMexico gaat strijd aan met suiker en vet
Een op de drie Mexicanen is zwaarlijvig en de overheid probeert de slechte eetgewoontes aan te pakken. Met waarschuwingen op verpakkingen en een verkoopverbod van snacks en frisdrank aan minderjarigen. De voedingsindustrie sputtert tegen, net als de internationale handelspartners.
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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