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Home sellers chop asking prices amid glut in listings
Weaker buyer demand and an influx of stock have prompted some vendors to slash their asking prices.
The Australian Financial Review | | Fuente originalFive years and $4 billion later, the verdict on our new intercity trains
The shiny new interiors, replete with faux leather arm rests and charging ports, caused huge celebration along the Central Coast line on Tuesday morning.
Sydney Morning Herald | | Fuente originalChina’s Flood of Cheap Goods Is Angering Its Allies, Too
China’s Flood of Cheap Goods Is Angering Its Allies, Too
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalHow Biden Changed His Mind on Pardoning Hunter: ‘Time to End All of This’
The threat of a retribution-focused Trump administration and his son’s looming sentencings prompted the president to abandon a promise not to get involved in Hunter Biden’s legal problems.
The New York Times | | Fuente originalVietnam court upholds death penalty for property tycoon over fraud scandal
Truong My Lan must pay back 3/4 of the assets she embezzled if she is to avoid execution
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalJaguar to become electric-only niche luxury brand, and make under 60,000 cars a year
THIS big cat is going to change its spots. British car brand Jaguar will no longer compete with mainstream luxury rivals such as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, transforming instead into a low-volume, niche brand that will churn out only electric vehicles (EVs). Read more at The Business Times.
The Business Time | | Fuente originalHunter Biden and the ‘big guy’: corruption claims explained
When Joe Biden was vice-president, his son would hole up in his hotel for 16-hour crack-cocaine benders. How, Republicans ask after his pardon, was he also on the board of a Ukrainian gas company?
Yeni Safak | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Un 4-M sin control: la sobreactuación con las amenazas revienta la campaña
- Barcelona, distrito federal
- Los jueces se rebelan contra el TS: el acuerdo para no reclamar las cláusulas suelo es nulo
- Sigan este vocablo: histéresis. Por qué España pierde comba ante Italia y Portugal
- Moncloa ignora la vía europea y opta por subir impuestos pese a la crisis
- 150.000 personas cobrarán tarde el paro y las prestaciones tras el ciberataque al SEPE
- España supera el millón de personas que ni trabajan ni pueden buscar empleo por la Covid-19
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- La mitad de los hoteles de Barcelona no abrirá en verano
- La reinvención pendiente de Barcelona
- Los jubilados ganan poder desde la Gran Recesión mientras los jóvenes están abocados a sueldos bajos y vivir en casa de sus padres
- El empresariado alza la voz contra la inacción política frente a la crisis